Sunday, September 6, 2009

Impossible Dreams

The song from Man From La Mancha entitled "Impossible Dream" has always been inspiring to me. Now I take on an impossible dream for myself as I work to take neglected land that was one man's personal garbage dump that has no water, soil comprised of rocks glued together with dense clay, lots of shade and at least 26 trees that have the characteristics of not allowing plants to grow under them and in some cases they can kill plants close by, and turn this into an edible forest. The impetus of making something from nothing comes from an inner calling to be doing this even though the task is beyond reason. It's a form of sacred activism to make the world a better place for having spent some time here. Following inner callings is very important even though one may only see the next small step in front of them.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


As I plan for the edible forest it came to my attention that certain plants have developed characteristics that keep most other plants from growing close by. Oaks, cedars, cypress and walnuts are examples of trees that ward off other plants or create environments where a lot of extra work is required to get the plants to grow near each other. There are a few companion plants that can live close by in spite of the otherwise adverse environment created by the trees. So to with people. There are some that are not meant to be married and who ward off others coming too close. Yet there may be a certain few would would thrive close by. When choosing a partner in life it would be great to find one where there is a natural compatibility so that both thrive easily together in a relationship that does not require excessive care to keep it going.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Moving On

My friend Shannon who has been a big help in the edible forest and Dragonfly Park is moving to Seattle for a PhD program. As Shannon figures out what to do with the relationship that she is leaving behind for school the best advice I can offer is to put no restrictions on this relatively new romance. No decisions to stay together or break up at this point. Let it evolve in it's own time and way perhaps have an agreement to remain friends, to keep in touch and to discuss this after first term is over. Yet how hard it is to say good-bye even when many new hellos await.