Monday, June 22, 2009


For too long I thought that happiness came from events and people outside myself, but I have come to understand that happiness is a choice. One can choose to be happy or joyful regardless of the circumstance. Our thoughts are so powerful in creating our experience and later thus influencing our health. In a sense, our thoughts have the power to create or destroy our life experience. I do believe that some part of our thoughts radiates out and others pick up not the thoughts themselves but the mood created by them and they react to us accordingly. I even think that we attract into our lives people with similar thought patterns.
When I was young I thought that people bonded by commiserating over something that wasn't ideal, such as bonding by complaining about the weather, or how hard a test was for example. This attracted into my life people who became friends by talking about problems and that didn't do anyone much good and wasn't all that fun. Now I focus on happy productive thoughts and I attract much happier people as friends.

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